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11th IDEM
  • English name :11th IDEM
  • Exhibition date : April 24-26, 2020
  • Exhibition place :Singapore convention and exhibition centre
  • Exhibition circle :twice per year
Contact us
  • Show Info
  • Exhibit scope

IDEM is the premier launchpad into the Asia-Pacific market for dental manufacturers and distributors coveting to take that first step into Asia. Riding on its continuous success since 2000, IDEM enters its eleventh edition from 24 – 26 April 2020 and will cement its position as the leading dental exhibition and conference in the Asia Pacific by providing companies and buyers one central meeting point to do business and explore new partnerships with key players from the Asia Pacific.


Meet over 9,000 attendees from 71 countries

Meet over 9,000 attendees from 71 countries at IDEM. With a powerful combination of an extensive trade exhibition and world-class scientic conference, the event attracts dental professionals from every facet of the dental industry.


The Gateway to Asia Pacific Markets

Focused on the Asia-Pacific dental industry, IDEM attendees hail from across the region from countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia and more. IDEM has been recognised as the essential meeting point for all dental professionals to connect, network and learn about the latest trends and developments in dentistry.


Engage with decision makers and key influencers

Engage with decision-makers and key influencers in high calibre discussions at the IDEM exhibition. With increased networking areas such as experience zones, meeting pods and expanded F&B areas, exhibitors can look forward to more opportunities to interact with attendees.


Contact us:

Becky Li

Gary Xiao

Digital Dentistry (D)

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Materials

Dental Units

Implant Dentistry

Instruments, Handpieces and Tools for the Practice


Practice Equipment

Practice Furniture

Special Devices

Prophylaxis/Dental and Oral Hygiene

Work Aids and Auxiliary Materials for Dental Treatment



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